“Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured from sinners such hostility against himself, so that you may not grow weary or fainthearted.” (Hebrews 12:1-3)
Held every 3 years since 1980, the LCMS Youth Gathering provides thousands of youth and adults the opportunity to come together as a community of God’s people to be encouraged in their walk with Jesus Christ and learn about the Christian faith and their Lutheran identity.
The Gathering is more than the five days of the event. The preparation process for the Gathering brings together young people and supportive adults to encourage each other in their baptismal identity. The Gathering provides young people a vision for the vastness of Christ’s Church and equips them for vocational service as they continue their walk with Jesus.  
 This event is organized by LCMS Youth Ministry in Saint Louis, MO. For additional ways to connect to LCMS Youth Ministry, please visit www.lcms.org/youth.

Young Adult Volunteer

Identified by their bright orange shirts, Young Adult Volunteers (YAVs) are adults ages 19–25 who serve as role models and servant leaders throughout all corners of the Gathering. 
Within the Young Adult Volunteer Team there is also an opportunity to apply to be a Squad Leader and Captain, helping to lead fellow YAVs in being fun, friendly and flexible. 
Young Adult Volunteers commit to: 
  • Paying a $400 volunteer registration fee 
  • Staying in assigned Gathering hotel accommodations covered by the Gathering (with 4 or more same-gendered volunteers) 
  • Attending volunteer training July 17–19, 2025 in New Orleans 
  • Serving the Gathering July 19–23, 2025 in New Orleans 
YAVs pay a volunteer registration fee of $400. The Gathering uses this fee to supplement hotel costs.  Current plans are to house the YAVs at a hotel near the Morial Convention Center. YAVs are roomed by gender and 4 or more to a room. The Gathering covers all housing costs but YAVs pay for their own transportation and most meals.  
It’s a blessing for Young Adults to be encouraged to apply and also to have the financial support of local congregations as they prepare to pay for travel, registration fees, and meal expenses.  
The YAV application opens July 15, 2024 and will remain open through December 31, 2024.  YAVs must commit to attending the Gathering and serving July 17–23, 2025 (plan to arrive midday on July 17th to attend the first night’s training).  YAVs who arrive prior to July 17th or want to stay later than the 23rd will need to make their own arrangements.  
The Young Adult Volunteer Squad Leader application will be made available at a later date and will remain open through early 2024. If an applicant is not selected as a Squad Leader, they will automatically be considered for a Captain position unless they self-select not to continue.  If an applicant is not selected as a Captain, they will automatically be considered for Young Adult Volunteer position unless they self-select not to continue.   

Team Flex

Team Flex volunteer positions are open to any adult ages 18+ who want to serve with a more flexible schedule. BLUE shirts identify these volunteers who have committed to serve anywhere from 4 hours for a single day or up to 8 hours a day for 5 days. 
This team is made up of Gathering alumni, LCMS Lutherans from across the country as well as Louisiana locals.  Team Flex members pay no registration fee and are responsible for the costs of their own meals, housing, and travel to and from the Gathering.  
The Team Flex application will open in January 15, 2025 and closes April 30, 2025.    
 Please add your name to the Interest Form linked below to receive information about Team Flex when the application opens. 

Music Opportunities

The LCMS Youth Gathering culminates in Worship at the concluding Divine Service with Holy Communion. Youth have the opportunity to be involved by sharing their artistic gifts and talents through participating in the Gathering Wind Symphony or Choir. Serving in the Wind Symphony or Choir does not conflict with other Gathering programming. 
Music opportunity audition materials will be available in Spring 2025.

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